Thursday, July 1, 2010

List Maker

I am in the midst of making lists. Lots of lists. When I don't know what to do first - I make lists. I leave for Italy tomorrow and not one thing is packed. But no worries, my lists will see me through!

Yesterday was my last day with the students, it was more emotional than I thought it would be. This class will always hold a special place in my heart because they were my first class. Sometimes, I get lost in seeing how much of an impact I as a teacher have on them. At the end of the day yesterday, I told them how I was honored to be their teacher this year and that I will miss them. The tears that followed were unexpected. Seeing all those six year old tears made me burst into tears... let's just say it wasn't pretty.

It is amazing how as a teacher your students teach you just as much as you teach them. Because of them this year I have grown not only as a teacher, but as a person. Seeing my student's reactions yesterday at the fact that I will no longer be their teacher was one of the most rewarding days of my life. I was expecting more of the "YES! Summer Vacation" attitude. I mean I know they are little and only 1st graders and if I taught 5th grade it might be different, but it still was rewarding.

It was just one of those eye-opening days were you realize what is actually important in life. That you do have the power to make a difference and impact someone's life. I left work yesterday feeling good knowing that even if some of those student's left my class still struggling with writing and reading, they at least knew they were loved by their 1st grade teacher <3


What's Cookin' with Mary? said...

AWWWWW! You're so sweet! Glad you had a great first year teaching your own class. My sister in law has been a teacher for about 12 years and I think she feels the same way each June...

I'm a total list maker too!!! I have about 4 lists going right now HAHAHA The lists help me to not get over whelmed... LOVE them.

How long are you and D. in Italy?

Cassie said...

We are leaving tomorrow and will return on July 10th. So around 10 days :)

That is great to hear about your sister! I could totally see myself feeling this way every year!

Matt said...

So glad you enjoyed your first year! At least work can be rewarding right?

Ellen @FirednFabulous said...

Aww, everyone remembers their first grade teacher—I do! That's cute :) And I'm a huge list maker too. Only, mine aren't so organized...they tend to land on my HAND most of the time :)

Cassie said...

Matt, work can def be rewarding ;)

Ellen - mine are on my hand, on post-its, in my wallet, and everywhere! haha As long as they work that's all that matters right?